Valais Blacknose Sheep originate in the Valais region of Switzerland. They are an ancient breed, appearing in records going back 800 years. They are large, with ewes up to 200 pounds and rams up to 250 pounds. They are avid producers of a unique, single-coated rug wool, with a soft handle. All Valais Blacknose Sheep trace their lineage to the Upper Valais mountains and are well adapted to the harsh conditions of the Swiss Alps. They are however, quite versatile and do well in a range of climates. They must be sheared twice a year. In particularly warm climates, they can be sheared three times a year and still produce a fleece with good staple length for spinning or felting. We have also been thrilled with our Valais wool comforters.
We are striving for an animal with a consistent fleece, level topline, width between the legs, adequate hoof angle, good rib spring, and nice udder conformation. It is hard to tell under all that wool, but these things matter for a healthy and productive lifespan of the sheep. We are delighted with their calm and gentle dispositions.
Hidden Valais Buttermilk Ranch, 100% Valais Ram. We are especially excited about the quality and soft handle of his fleece.
Buttermilk’s lovely fleece.
Belle Fourche Buttermint, 100% Valais ewe
Purebred Valais Lamb, Belle Fourche Geneva
Belle Fourche Matterhorn, purebred ram and sire of many of our 2024 lambs.
Belle Fourche Posey, 75% Valais Ewe
“Did somebody shake a grain bucket?”
Purebred Ewe Lamsb
Love those curly bangs!
2024 Valais Ewe from imported embryos.
Belle Fourche Boogeyman, showing his nice width through the backend.
2024 Ram Lamb, Lorenzo, born on Valentine’s Day
Purebred Ewe Lambs
Nice, typey fleece.
Belle Fourche Boogeyman, a sire for our 2024 lambs.